Malaysian Culture: Malaysian People's Favorite Pastime

 Malaysian Culture's Past Times
Malaysians love sports, eating delicious local food and playing games (even gambling!) But what are some favorite pastimes that Malaysians love doing? Here's a list!

1. Watching Sports Games
Malaysians are obsessed with sports! We'll watch it anywhere, anytime. 3 AM in the morning while eating nasi lemak at a Mamak. In front of the TV with family, hoping Datuk Lee Chong Wei wins so it might get declared a National Holiday the following day. You name it.

2. Shopping
Malaysians also love to shop, even during office hours! We love shopping so much, we'll do it online and in one of our countless malls.

3. Betting
Betting is part of our culture, whether the government restricts it or not. Rain Betting in Taiping is proof of that! Even the sudden boom of online casinos in Malaysia such as EMPIRE777 Casino is a testament to that culture of betting.

4. Traditional Games and Kites
Eastern Malaysians have a lot of cool games like Gasing and Sepak Manggis and even Wau Bulan.

Wau kites from Kelantan

Wau - a popular kite game in the East coast of Malaysia.

Gasing in Malaysia

Gasing - a game that involves a giant spinning top, almost as large as a dinner plate!

Sepak Manggis in Malaysia

Sepak Manggis - a fun outdoor game played by the Bajauh and Iranun Men from Sabah

5. Driving to Long Distances for Food & Drinks
Malaysians also enjoy driving long distances just to eat some food or drink they're craving or was recommended. We live with our stomachs on our sleeves!

Want to know more favorite Malaysian pastimes? Visit this travel blog!


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